Monday, January 01, 2007


when you here the news about how many firework accidents have occured, please remember that my poor brother was part of that statistic.

poor RA..

he burned four of his fingers in his right hand due to a used fountain that had been rekindled. so we went to a district hospital near us. it wasn't like the chaotic scenes in other major hospitals. instead, it was a little depressing because the facilities were.. ahm.. wait, they had no facilities. no x-ray. no surgeons. no ob-gyne. no varied syringes- just those 5cc type.

hayy.. where do the taxes go?

and before we went out of the hospital, a man came there..he was stabbed. ewwness.

but no matter how gory, bloody or sordid this night had been for anyone, the year had still changed. and what more can i say but a wish that next year will be better for each of us.



Anonymous said...

ouch ouch ouch.

kawawa naman kapatid mo!

kimie_me said...

Haynaku si RA. Tsk.